We are demanding guardians of our little avocado, as everyone can see. Hugo is raised under the strictest discipline with only the best education, water and opportunity. His recent foray into Joseph's personal space was perhaps, as Recorder of Pedigrees commented, a rebellion against our household. But we shall not be undermined. Hugo is still young and impressionable - an avocado plant just waiting to be molded by those who know what's best for him. We're thinking of starting him on the violin because really, you can't be a prodigy unless you start before potting. In addition, we're exposing him to a multitude of career options. Today, little Hugo Chavocado spent the day at Joseph's side, sitting next to his computer. We declared it "Avocado Job Shadow Day" (AJSD). It was heartwarming to watch Joseph explain the wonders of Introspect and exhibit labels as Hugo stared at the computer, clearly enthralled with what he saw before him. I was able to capture his look of sheer joy and exhilaration in a candid photo (right).
AJSD was a good opportunity to take Hugo's mind off of some rather disturbing comments made by Ann Coulter on Friday.
Perhaps I spoke too quickly in response to Hugo's political enthusiasm. Perhaps you are correct in encouraging little Hugo to question the world and his place in it. Perhaps his newfound voice simply needs some gentle direction instead of cruel and effecient discipline...
Since Hugo is clearly reading on such a high level, might I suggest "Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media" by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky? I'm sure you can find it at your local Unoppressive Nonimperialistic Bookstore...
Out of curiosity, where is little Hugo considering getting his education?
Is this all Kelly? If not, why weren't you ever this funny when I knew you?
Might I also add props to the photographer for capturing such illustrative, evocative moments in Hugo's impressionable early years. These photos will no doubt be precious fodder for the autobiography of Hugo Chavocado and the subsequent documentary and dramatic films. Thanks to you, photographer,for ensuring that "Motorcycle Diaries" pales in comparison to the upcoming "Life is the Pit: The Hugo Chavocado Story."
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