Friday, March 2, 2007

When Papa's Out of Town...

The decision was made, the action was taken, and after careful process and procedure, our little Hugo Chavocado has a new home! He seems to be enjoying his new waterbottle (powered by Westlaw) and has already grown quite a bit since the transfer. At last measure, his stem is 2.5 inches. Not too shabby. As Hugo grows and flourishes, his personality has really begun to shine through that splotchy, pitty brown shell. As it turns out, he's quite the jokester! Yes, we'll often come in to find a whoopie cushion on our chairs or our desk calendars turned to the wrong month. And he quitely watches from his waterbottle (powered by Westlaw) as we are once again fooled by his tomfoolery. He really keeps us on our toes!
Now, as many of you know, Joseph has been out sick this week. Hugo seemed a bit sad, but also quite excited. If you read the previous post, you will know that Joseph is more of a disciplinarian than myself (and by disciplinarian, I mean child abuser). So, with Papa out of town, our little Hugo Chavocado roamed footloose and fancy-free about the cubicle. Some might say he went a bit too far. Rather than get involved, I thought I would document Hugo's forays with my camera....which I happen to have that day. Weird.

Left, you'll see Hugo lounging in Joseph's chair. And on the right, Hugo looks to be rummaging through Joseph's drawer. He was also seen playing with Joseph's basketball hoop, using Joseph's napkins and returning them to the napkin drawer, wearing Joseph's shoes, and staring at pictures of Joseph's girlfriend. Some might say he was slightly out of control, but I like to follow a liberal parenting strategy. Unless he's messing with MY stuff. That's not cool.
Overall Hugo had a wonderful day, full of joyful new experiences. I only wish my officemate could have been here to witness another day in the life of our little avocado. But alas, he wasn't, so instead we just messed with his stuff.

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