Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Movin' On Up

Hugo's pure radiance is blinding today. The soft florescent light bounces off his gleaming pit like spring sunshine on a newly budding cherry blossom. Since his sunny vacation on the 20th floor, which we all agree is closer to the sun, he has greeted each new day with ebullient enthusiasm and a new found zest for life. And yes the rumors are true - Hugo has officially begun to sprout upwards! If you were wondering what the miracle of life looks like, stop by 19-240/241 and you will FIND IT. This development has of course spawned some preliminary conversations about planting Hugo in our empty pot (yes we have an empty pot....there used to be a died....we try not to talk about it around Hugo). Conversations usually go like this:

Me: Hmmm maybe we should plant him soon.
Joseph: Yea good thing we have a pot.
Me: But we have to get soil
Joseph: We'll do it later

As if Hugo isn't excited enough, he also made a shocking, but wonderful discovery this week. Apparently, according to the O.A.'s sources (and the phone directory) there is a this building....named Avocado Pitt. Incredible. I kid you not. Would I kid? I wouldn't. And I don't. We have no other details (not that we would really post them on the internet anyways), nor do we have a picture of this amazing person. I imagine she would look something like this:

Miss Pitt, if you are reading this, Hugo would like you to know that he is 86% sure that you are his soul mate (he's got the hots for an attorney on 32, which accounts for the other 14%, but we all know it'll never happen)


Recorder of Pedigrees said...

Out of curiousity, are you guys still planning "pruning" little hugo's little hugo once it gets to six inches? How many inches does he have left to grow before you can pot'im?

Unknown said...

Guys, there's no drama, no twist to this story. Hugo needs a rival, something to spice things up. Along political lines, his horticultural rival should no doubt be a spinoff of his real life adversary, Bush.

Keep it real,

macgeekgrl said...

I, too, was gleeful to discover the existence of of one Ms. Avocado Pitt. She is how I happened upon your blog. I actually work for the same firm, and spoke to Avocado on the phone today. When I found out her last name, I was convinced she had the most oddly cool name of all time. So I decided to google her (It's a slow day today) and this blog was among the results. Weird.

I know this blog is a kind of old, and that Hugo has long since disappeared, but I'm sorry for your loss. He seemed like a good lil guy.