Thursday, March 8, 2007

Putting the Office back in Office Avocado

Hugo would like to apologize for the paucity of postings recently. His attention has been devoted entirely to shadowing me while I perform mindless office tasks. As a result, Hugo is unable to focus on growing, sprouting, or otherwise increasing his girth/width/height/stature in any manner. Also, the lack of real sunlight might be getting to him. More details on this later, but if anyone has an indoor plant light or could procure one in some manner (say, for example, if the police are about to raid your little indoor pot farm and you want to stash the evidence), we would gladly accept the gift.

For the record, we also accept gifts of money, food (especially guacamole), drinks, Starbucks products, Aeron chairs, Bugaboo strollers, and DVDs. Please don't be shy.

Hugo now has to get his deuces up, as they say in the business, but he wishes you all a fond "what up."

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